How to create a custom URL download wallet pass

Learn how to create a unique customer link that enables sending the wallet pass to their email with a single click

We enable an easy way for you to add a link to download the wallet pass from email campaigns, marketing SMS, or the admin area of your shop.

We will show you how to create dynamic links based on the customer's email or a simpler link for unregistered or anonymous customers, making registration for your program easier.
In these examples, you will see the variables that you need to replace inside two curly braces {variable}, including the curly braces.

One of these variables is the program slug, which you can find in the JeriCommerce Admin app under settings > technical section.

New customers

You could have new customers that you already know his email address or not, so you could have two kinds of links:

Unknown customer email{program_slug}/check

Known customer email{program_slug}/check?email={customer_email}

Registered Customers

All the registered customers could go to the same URL with their email add it as a URL variable, here the template{program_slug}/send-pass?email={customer_email}

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