Customer variables on notifications and links

How you could improve your campaigns by adding personalized variables in your messages

The best way to engage your customers is by adding value to your communications.
Provide relevant information directly in the push message or on the backlinks.
This is possible with our inline variable technology, which enables you to incorporate customer-specific variables into your communications.
Look for the variables icon in the input field where you write your message to identify where you can use these variables.

After clicking this button, you will see a list of options based on the user's information.
Once you click on one of these options, you will see the variable added to your input, enclosed within double curly braces.
This variable will be displayed with the specific customer value when the push is sent or when the link is created in the wallet pass.

List of customer variables

Variable throw third-party systems

You can use the same variables from other platforms when sending notifications to your customers.
Here is a table explaining the variables and how they are used:

Customer integration properties

Some of the basic customer properties like email, phone, or full name comming from the customer integration


Loyalty integration properties

These are the variables from the loyalty integration. They are very useful for notifications.


Jericommerce Links

These are the links for each customer to access the Jericommerce webapp application, which automatically logs in customers on a specific page.


One of the specific functionalities available is the Shopify Multipass, which allows customers to log in to your online shop without a password.
This kind of variables are a little bit different, are between % and accepts a second parameter after the pipe symbol, where you can specify the final URL that you want your customer to be directed to. Without a pipe, the default is the home page of your online shop.


It is important not to include spaces inside the {{}} and %%%%.

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