Create a coupon

Understand how to create a coupon and import unique codes as needed

One of the best ways to attract and engage your customers is by providing them with unique discount codes for use in your shop.
Our coupon solution allows you to create campaigns based on coupons that you can assign to your customers in various ways to promote more sales.

Create a new coupon

You can find the coupons in the Content section of the side menu. From there, you can create a new coupon using the "Create coupon" button located at the top right side.

Once you enter the coupon creation section, add a title and an optional description, then save it.

After creating the coupon, you will see the option to upload unique codes from various sources, such as Shopify or a CSV file. You can choose how to import them.

Coupon creation

Import Unique codes

Each coupon on JeriCommerce acts as an import container, enabling you to import unique codes from various sources. This means you can import unique codes into the same coupon as many times as you want. Each time you create an import, it will be queued after the previous ones.

When a coupon is claimed, it will return the unique code from the oldest import.

You will always have a complete view of the number of unique codes available for each coupon, both in total and for import. When all the unique codes from a coupon are claimed, its status will change to "Not Available" and it can no longer be assigned to any campaign.

Follow the specific guidelines to import unique codes:

  1. CSV Files
  2. Shopify coupons

Remove unclaimed unique codes

At any time, you can choose to remove all unclaimed unique codes from a specific import to prevent their redistribution. To do this, click the three-dot button on the specific import and select the option "Remove unclaimed"
This action will eliminate all available unique codes from this import. If the import has automatic functionality, it will also deactivate the auto-recharge feature.

Remove Unclaimed
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